Student Resources


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Advanced Standing
Advancement to Candidacy see Graduate Forms
Andrews University Bulletin
Canadian Tax Form
Credit by Examination
Degree Audit
Dissertation & Thesis Deadlines
Final Exam Schedule                                                                                      
Graduate Student Forms
Historical list of all Andrews University graduates
ID Cards
Michigan Guest Application
Prior Learning Credit
Transfer Credit Processing

Transient Student Request
Verifications (Enrollment & Degree)

Transfer Credit Processing
(Including Advanced Standing & Credit by Examination)

Students who have transferred into Andrews University from another college or university will have their transfer credit evaluated by our Articulation Office. This credit must be articulated in order to determine what transfer credit has an Andrews credit equivalent and can count toward the student's degree progress. If you have questions regarding degree progress after transferring, please consult your academic advisor and the Andrews University Bulletin to see degree requirements. For transfer credit questions, advanced standing or credit by examination questions, processes or troubleshooting, please email For questions regarding academic petitions for transfer credit, students must consult with their academic dean's office.

Degree Audit

Students may process a degree audit by accessing their Vault account and following the links to "Degree Audit." Students are responsible for understanding and fulfilling degree requirements as expressed on their CAPP Report. CAPP means (Curriculum Advising and Program Planning).

Any questions on your CAPP Report should be directed to either the Undergraduate Records Office for undergraduate programs or the Graduate Records Office for graduate programs.


Course grades are available one week after graduation through your Vault account.  Please contact instructors regarding your grades or about changing your grade — Academic Records does not initiate this process. 

If you need to order transcripts and would like grades from the recent term to appear on your transcripts, please consider the timing of grade submissions and wait until grades are posted. 

If you have a DG or Incomplete and need your grade to be changed, contact your instructor. Instructors are responsible for submitting final grades to Academic Records.

If you need a copy of your grades sent to a third-party (parent/guardian/employer/sponsor), please follow these instructions to set up a proxy.


Students may be issued an Incomplete (I) grade only if the following stipulations are met (Note: Students will be charged an incomplete fee for each incomplete grade issued):

  • when the major portion (approximately 70%) of the work for the course has been completed;
  • the student’s work is incomplete because of illness or unavoidable circumstances (incompletes cannot be assigned because of negligence or inferior performance);
  • and the student will earn a passing grade if no additional work is submitted (see minimum grade requirements for ACE, major/minor/cognates, graduate courses).

The course instructor must be contacted and an Incomplete Contract Form must be submitted. The instructor will assign a timeline with a finish date for the student to complete the required work for a final grade. Ordinarily, Incompletes (I) should be resolved prior to the beginning of the next term. However, an I contracted in the spring semester may be extended to the autumn semester. Any request for an extension of time beyond the contracted time shall be made in writing before the end of the contracted date and approved by the dean of the college in which the course is offered. The number of I’s on a student’s record affects the student’s class and workload. The student will see an I for incomplete on their grade summary/transcripts until, in the event the required work and deadlines are finished, the instructor submits the final grade to Academic Records.

Students with two incomplete courses may not register for more than 12 credits of new courses. Students with 12 or more credits of incompletes may not register for additional courses. Incompletes must be removed before graduation. Some academic programs may have additional restrictions; see program-specific information in the current Bulletin and respective handbooks.

Michigan Guest Application

If you would like to take a class at another Michigan college or university, please obtain a Michigan Uniform Undergraduate Guest Application from Articulation in Office 204 in Academic Records. Students who would like to be a guest at a university outside of Michigan should obtain a Transient Student Request Form from Articulation.


Students must visit their academic dean to obtain a graduate or undergraduate petition form.  A student would obtain a petition form to take a course for their degree requirements in the following circumstances:

  • Waivers 
  • Substitutions 
  • Credit by exam
  • Change of programs 
  • To petition acceptance of transfer credit to replace certain AU credit requirements
  • A replacement course for a course that is no longer offered 
  • To take a course which had the name or number changed
  • To take a course that has similar course content 
  • To seek permission to take a course
  • To take a replacement course for a course not offered in the student's senior year. 

Verifications (Enrollment & Degree)

Degree verifications are available in person or by emailing

Enrollment verifications can be requested from the National Student Clearinghouse.

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